Mencken's Prejudices DebunkedBy David Thaler, Marion Rogers, Larry Gibson
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Mencken's Prejudices DebunkedBy David Thaler, Marion Rogers, Larry Gibson
PDF Ebook Mencken's Prejudices DebunkedBy David Thaler, Marion Rogers, Larry Gibson
"Mencken's diary reveals a strain of anti-semitism, of racism, of what the media has called bigotry." -Charles A. Fecher Editor, The Diary of H.L. Mencken (1989) "Throughout Mencken's journalistic and literary career, he repeatedly challenged the racial convictions of the day. 'To me, personally, race prejudice is one of the most preposterous of all the imbecilities of mankind,' Menchlen told the Jewish Times in 1933." -Marion Elizabeth Rogers Author of Mencken: The American Iconoclast (2005) "Henry Louis Mencken has many prejudices - he published six volumes of them - but he didn't seem particularly prejudice against Jews." -David S. Thaler Author, The Mencken Paradox (2006) "On the basis of the evidence, I conclude that H.L. Mencken was not a racist and that he was consistently a civil rights advocate and occasionally a civil rights champion." -Larry S. Gibson Author of Young Thurgood: The Making of a Supreme Court Justice (2012)
Mencken's Prejudices DebunkedBy David Thaler, Marion Rogers, Larry Gibson- Amazon Sales Rank: #1841784 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-09-29
- Released on: 2015-09-29
- Format: Kindle eBook
Where to Download Mencken's Prejudices DebunkedBy David Thaler, Marion Rogers, Larry Gibson
Most helpful customer reviews
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful. Overdue defenses By Rich Mencken has been smeared for decades by people who have read far less by him than about him. These transcripts of two exemplary talks by true scholars - a black law professor discussing HLM on racism and a Jewish executive discussing HLM on semitism - are fascinating reading and extremely gratifying to admirers of Mencken.
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