X: (Kinsey Millhone Book 24) by Sue Grafton | Summary & AnalysisBy Book*Sense
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X: (Kinsey Millhone Book 24) by Sue Grafton | Summary & AnalysisBy Book*Sense
Free Ebook PDF Online X: (Kinsey Millhone Book 24) by Sue Grafton | Summary & AnalysisBy Book*Sense
X: (Kinsey Millhone Book 24) by Sue Grafton | Summary & Analysis The novel by Sue Grafton, is the twenty-fourth novel in her series of Kinsey Millhone Mysteries, more popularly known as the “Alphabet Novels.” It continues the broad narrative arc of Millhone and those with whom she interacts, focusing largely on personal concerns rather than on grand strokes. It depicts Kinsey Millhone’s continued exploits as she follows up on the work of a deceased former colleague and ultimately works to reunite a loving couple divided by a series of unfortunate mistakes. The stakes are perhaps small in the novel, but they are nonetheless compelling as Grafton offers a detailed account of the deeds and doings of characters in a fictionalized late-1980s California city. In doing so, she works to deepen the fictional world in which her characters exist, serving to make them more authentic and thus more compelling. This companion also includes the following: • Book Review • Story Setting Analysis • Story elements you may have missed as we decipher the novel • Clear, concise description and analysis of personalities • Thought Provoking /or Discussion Questions for both Readers & Book Clubs • Discussion & Analysis of Themes, Symbols… • And Much More! This Analysis fills the gap, making you understand more while enhancing your reading experience.
X: (Kinsey Millhone Book 24) by Sue Grafton | Summary & AnalysisBy Book*Sense- Amazon Sales Rank: #193715 in eBooks
- Published on: 2015-09-01
- Released on: 2015-09-01
- Format: Kindle eBook
Where to Download X: (Kinsey Millhone Book 24) by Sue Grafton | Summary & AnalysisBy Book*Sense
Most helpful customer reviews
8 of 8 people found the following review helpful. Pretty good read By Stacy I picked up this book not realizing it was part of a (very long) series. Oops. Better get a supplement to help me on my way. That being said, it wasn’t too hard to pick up “in the middle”- or toward the end as it were. I’m sure there are some things that I would have appreciated more had I read the entire series, but I didn’t feel like I was missing anything essential. All in all, this was a pretty good read. I don’t really think I will be picking up the entire series, but it was a decent book on its own. I thought it was a little slow until the end when all the ‘good stuff’ happens, but by the end it got pretty exciting. This analysis says the amount of investigation and detail bothers some people, as the typical reader is not a trained investigator and doesn’t necessarily need to know the ins and outs or every detail to get the effect of it stylistically. This didn’t bother me, though. I would always rather have too much correct info than see an author just guessing or giving made up procedures. I particularly like the ‘thought provoking questions’ provided at the end of this analysis, as I like to spend some time on books afterword and really get everything out of it that I can.
3 of 3 people found the following review helpful. Helps to make sense of a complex series By Allie I really like the Book Sense series, and this is another really good companion piece, this time to 'X' and the whole alphabet series. The alphabet series is A LOT to keep up with, so the analysis and plot descriptions in this book really come in handy. It helps you keep track of everything that's happened and go deeper into thinking about the story and the characters. The only flaw I found in this book is that it simply can't include everything you want to know about the alphabet series - that would be a very long summary and analysis! But overall, really helpful if you are reading 'X'!
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful. Summary & Analysis of Sue Grafton's X By MeBerri I have been reading the Alphabet series for years, but this is my first time reading a Summary & Analysis of a Kinsey Millhone book, and I really liked it. Sue Grafton's mysteries are very complex, and fast paced, it was nice to be able to see all the information laid in front of me for perusal. I have already read the original novel, but I think even if I hadn't, I would have been able to get a good grasp of the plot/ storyline, and characters from this companion.I really enjoyed the book review at the front of the book, I found that I agreed with it on almost every point. I have often though that Sue Grafton spends almost too much time describing every minor detail.I also really liked the Main & Secondary Character List, the author took the time to list quite a few characters, and give good descriptions of them.I thoroughly enjoyed this Summary & Analysis, and especially liked that it was enrolled in Kindle Unlimited, and was free with my monthly subscription. If you are a fan of this series then I highly recommended taking a look at this book for the alternate perspective. I am going to see if there are any more companions to the rest of the Alphabet books.
See all 19 customer reviews... X: (Kinsey Millhone Book 24) by Sue Grafton | Summary & AnalysisBy Book*Sense
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